Artificial Pet & Dog Grass in Toronto, ON

Unrivaled artificial pet & dog grass from SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass is available for sale and installation in Toronto, ON. Our pet turf has proven performance in some of the most demanding applications and it is perfect for your furry companions! 

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For many in Toronto, ON, dogs and pets can make it nearly impossible to grow and keep healthy grass in your yard! Thankfully, SYNLawn’s Pet Turf System is here to save the day! At SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass, we focus on identifying the right blend of artificial turf product selection, installation techniques, and more individualized artificial grass solutions. We work with you to determine what your pets need and design specific dog and pet turf solutions to help meet those needs. Learn more about all our impressive artificial dog and pet grass has to offer below!

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Artificial Turf for Pets

Only SYNLawn synthetic grass for pets uses Super Yarn™ technology to create the safest, cleanest, and ‘greenest’ turf available.




SYNLawn synthetic turf comes in a variety of grades and styles. As a general guide, the cost can range between $4-$9 ( per ft2) plus the cost of installation, depending on the product chosen.

Benefits of Artificial Dog & Pet Turf From SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass 

At SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass, our top-quality synthetic dog and pet turf provides homeowners, pet-friendly business owners, and more in the Toronto area with a variety of benefits, including the following: 

Comfortable Yet Durable Surfacing 

Dogs and other household pets need soft, comfortable surfaces to run, play, and relax on. But given the strength of their paws – and the tendency of some dogs to dig – they also need resilient surfaces. Fortunately, at SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass, our artificial pet and dog turf is capable of providing both of these elements. It is simultaneously soft and inviting for dogs to enjoy while remaining durable enough to resist multiple forms of wear and tear, including digging. This makes it an all-around winner for pets, pet owners, and pet businesses!

Highly Realistic Visual Appeal

Aesthetics are a crucial factor for homes and businesses of all kinds in Toronto, Ontario. Our artificial pet turf aids in this aspect as well! Our SYNLawn turf is designed and manufactured to look highly realistic. In doing so, it looks and feels just like traditional grass surfaces with rich shades of green and flexible blades.


Maintenance tasks can make owning a conventional grass lawn or landscape a hassle, especially throughout the changing seasons here in Toronto, ON. Thankfully, our artificial dog and pet grass is exceptionally low-maintenance! So instead of spending hours or hundreds of dollars on watering, mowing, and fertilizing traditional grass, you can focus on spending time with your dog or other household pet.

Easy to Clean

Whether on a residential or pet-friendly commercial property, dogs and pets deserve clean spaces. Fortunately, at SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass, our synthetic pet grass is incredibly easy to clean! This is primarily due to its flow-through backing, which allows water to quickly and easily drain through it and out of it. So cleaning up pet waste is as simple as removing solids and spraying our turf down with water from a hose! This helps keep pet surfaces cleaner and helps remove unpleasant odors.

Applications for Our Artificial Dog & Pet Grass in Toronto, ON

Artificial pet and dog turf from the team here at SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass can be used for numerous applications throughout Toronto, ON, including on a variety of property types. Some of the many applications for this specialized turf include: 

  • Residential lawns & landscaping 
  • Pet-friendly businesses 
  • Dog daycares
  • Pet boarding facilities 
  • Veterinarian offices 
  • Dog parks 
  • Shelters 

Practically any area or space for dogs and household pets in Toronto, ON is ideal for our unrivaled artificial pet turf!

Beagle relaxing on artificial grass

Inspiration Gallery

Artificial Grass Projects

Oakville Lakefront SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass Project Budget: +$100k

This impressive space provided us an opportunity to showcase our design skills and the multiple solutions that SYNLawn provides. Starting with a consultation to discuss options and resulting in a complete makeover incorporating golf, pets and leisure areas.

Contact Us Today for a Pet Turf Quote!

At SYNLawn Toronto Artificial Grass, our team of professionals sells and installs amazing artificial dog and pet grass in Toronto, ON. Our beautiful, durable, and easy-to-clean dog and pet turf provides residential, commercial, and other property types with a surface that is tailored specifically to household pets and their needs. In doing so, pets, their owners, and pet businesses can all benefit! So contact us today for more information and to receive a quote for our artificial dog and pet turf!